Make Money Writing Social Media Content? ST780

Companies and publications need people to manage their social media. Social media tasks can range from writing posts and tweets to running full ad campaigns.

If you’re a student, this might be something to try your hands on via freelance platforms like Upwork.

If you’re someone with a lot of social media marketing experience, you can also become a social media strategist or consultant.

They help companies manage their social media team and social media content strategies.

How to Not Make Money Writing Fuel Your Self-DoubtIf you spend some time online, you’ll easily come across this term, “imposter syndrome.”

And what does it mean? Let me put it this way: as a creative–writer, designer, or content creator–you face a lot of challenges but self-doubt is the most limiting.

Do you always get a voice in your head telling you “no one would want to read what you write?”

Fact is, 9%–82% of people experience impostor syndrome. The numbers may vary depending on who participates in a study.

Many people experience symptoms for a limited time, such as in the first few weeks of a new job. For others, the experience can be lifelong.

Everybody has imposter syndrome to an extent. The way to nip it in the bud is to consistently write or create and keep publishing your work.

Evidently, a lot of good writers do not publish their work because of self-doubt. You need to move past this if you want to make money writing.

Flake in the Face of Rejection

If you work in the publishing industry, you might be more familiar with how often literary work gets lampooned. Literary agents reject 96% of writing submissions–a case for self-publishing. How well do you handle rejections? Do you mope around all day because one editor rejected your work or get back to work instantly.

Well, here’s the thing, if you want to make money writing, prepare to deal with a lot of rejections. The problem occurs when you take it personally. Rejection isn’t usually about you or even your work. It’s about finding the right fit. It’s usually the case that budding writers get rejected a couple of times and then throw in the towel on their embryonic writing careers.But every rejection helps you refine your targeting criteria, writing style, and pitching. On the other hand, you may not need to send a single pitch as a writer. But if you want to grow, you must be comfortable with rejections.

Be LazyA writer’s task isn’t as easy as people think. There are days you don’t feel creative yet you have to meet deadlines. Some tasks get boring due to repetitiveness but you have to do them. So, before taking the leap, you have to decide if this is something you want to do.

Blog and Make Money through Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing and blogging are usually advertised as a fast way to make money online. The truth is that it takes a lot of patience to make money through these routes since you’d have to build your own audience from scratch in many cases. All the same, building a blog and monetizing it through affiliate marketing or digital products is a very lucrative way to make money as a writer. First you need to pick a niche you want to write in. Then write a good deal of content around some well-searched keywords in that niche. You can also guest post on other websites in your niche to build up your website SEO. Once your site starts getting consistent, considerable traffic, you can add review and comparison posts into the mix with your specific affiliate tracking links to make passive income whenever anyone clicks on your links.


Do Freelance Content Writing for Businesses

Content writing is probably the most popular freelance occupation. It’s similar to guest posting in that you provide content or marketing collateral for businesses who need to meet a particular goal: traffic, leads, brand awareness, etc. Content types usually needed by companies include articles, blog posts, guest posts, white papers, case studies, e-books, proposals, FAQs, and more.You’ll need to choose a niche, build a solid portfolio of work, and pitch lots of businesses.For starters, you’re sure to maintain a reasonable side income with freelance content writing, but experienced content writers earn up to $500+ per project.

Breaking into some freelance writing niches is tough, so you have to spend enough time with your initial research.

It’s also important that you hold down a full-time job while starting out as a freelance writer. It’s usually feast or famine if you’re a new freelance writer.

An estimated half of the freelance writers in the United States need to hold down a full-time job. Known as “Moonlighters” by the media and “Diversified Workers” by economists.

These writers manage to cross between both worlds with ease.To avoid drought periods, you need to consistently pitch lots of businesses, understand SEO and work on building a brand.

Today, we’re going to talk.

About how to get your money to work for you just by what you’re spending everyday, anyway.

The advice contained herein isn’t fancy or complex; it’s about getting the most out of the money you spend.

There are so many perks available from so many retailers and you need to know how to benefit from them.Grocery Store.

One of the first places you can have your money go further is at the grocery store; many of the larger supermarket chains have no-cost loyalty programs.

My older son recently learned that if he got a store reward card (no cost–you just provided your name and cell phone) for the supermarket.

That he uses through Instacart can save him money.During a recent order, he saved $10 just for entering his loyalty number, as easy as that.

The local supermarket I use gives us pennies off per gallon of gas (up to certain maximums).

And given the size of my gas tank, this adds up to real money when it comes time to fill up the tank.

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